How to Post to This Site

Every classmate who is logged on to the website can see the chat posts for the general class group and the chats for the affinity groups that they belong to.  They can also post to the general chat or any of the affinity groups that they belong to.  They can reply to any post in any chat that they can see. And if the administrator allows, they can reply to specific news items.  See below for more on the Reply function.


Posting a Chat

The main window of the home page contains all the chat threads that you are subscribed to and the News and Memorial Items posted by the site administrators.  They are interleaved in chronological order with the newest item at the top.  To post a new chat, click in the window just above the topmost post on the homepage where you see the words Add a Message...


This will bring up the window where you can put in your subject, the text of your message and upload and attach a photo if you like.  



MOST IMPORTANTLY You need to select the thread you wish to post in from the dropdown at the top.  Note that in this screenshot, the chat message is going to post to 'Chi Gamma Epsilon/Kappa Sigma'.  That is because that affinity group is the first one alphabetically in the list of groups, this classmate is subscribed to.  So click in the window that in this example says 'Chi Gamma Epsilon/Kappa Sigma' and choose the correct thread.  For most posts, you will probably want to choose 'Class Chat'.  Everyone in the class will see items posted to this thread.



If you want to upload a photo, then click on 'Add Photo' at the lower left of the Post a Message window.  A window will open on your computer showing your files.  You will need to navigate on your computer in this window to where your photo is and choose it.  Only JPEG photos can be uploaded, not PNG, bitmap, or other image types.  The site will automatically decimate the photo to make it of a size appropriate for webpages.


Finally click on the blue Post button at the bottom right to post your comment.


No system is perfect, so let me save you some frustration.  You cannot format the text.  When you post, if you have inserted paragraph ends and breaks to make your treatise more readable, the system will strip all of those out.  It will post a single large block of continuous text.  For short posts this is fine.  But if you really want some breaks in the text contact one of the administrators to fix it for you.  We have access to an editor that allows us to put those paragraph and line breaks back in.


Posting a Reply

If you see the little speech bubble and the word reply at the bottom of an item in the chat/news feed, then you are free to comment.  Click on the blue 'reply' text and this opens a posting window similar to that for making an original post.

For additional information or technical support for this site please contact the Site Administrator.
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