Some Time Capsules from Dartmouth Days
Time capsules are messages to the future created in hope of showing an unknowable audience to come what it's been like. Unfortunately, as old time capsules have been opened, they are mostly full of junk, useless to historians and archaeologists.
You just can't know what the future will want to know about us.
But there's also living memory, and old folks like us can remember people and things that are no longer among us.
This little set of time capsules were not sent to us from the four years of 1967 to 1971. They are artifacts that have disappeared or changed into something completely different.
Looking back, we can see what's lasted and what hasn't from our Dartmouth days.
What more evocative item than the draft card?

Did you burn yours?
Did you throw it away on December 1, 1969, when you found out your draft lottery number?
Go to next capsule: Vermont Transit