Time Capsule #9: the plaid wool shirt jacket
In the photo below from the Japanese fashion photographer Teruyoshi Hayashida's evocative 1964 book, "Take Ivy," you see several of the basic costumes of mid-60s Dartmouth tribes.

The first guy on the left is wearing the golf version of the Eisenhower jacket. Down the line there are two Dartmouth jackets from Campion's and the Co-Op.
The second guy, the tall one, has a green and black classic plaid wool Mackinaw jacket of the kind that was still being worn when we arrived three years later.

The jacket may identify him as a member of DOC or C&T. (The penny loafers with white sports adhesive tape across the toe suggest membership in a fraternity.)
President Dickey, who enjoyed being outdoors at fishing camps and at Moosilauke, is often photographed in one of these jackets.

I bought my own plaid shirt jacket in October freshman year, the first wool garment I'd ever owned. It was perfect for fall and spring temperatures, if not the Siberian days of winter terms.
Adele commandeered it and wore it on chilly days through the 70s and 80s, until a teething puppy gnawed off one of the cuffs.