Time Capsule #16: the barbershop
We arrived in the fall of '67 clean-cut, as in good haircuts. Just look at the Green Book.

Four years later, we walked across the stage in front of Baker to get our diplomas in a fog on another Bad Hair Day. Just look at the Aegis.

Barbers' thriving businesses in downtown Hanover were on hard times by the time we left town. Students before us frequented barbershops regularly, and a lot of them, like their fathers, got a trim every two weeks.

I got 4 haircuts in 4 years in Hanover: 3 freshman year (1 before each break so my parents would let me in the door), and 1 sophomore year (before heading to Costa Rica).
I got a brutal shearing in San Antonio December '69. Shoulder length hair was a good way to get beat up in Texiss, outside of Austin. As I sat down in the chair, the barber called over to the men loitering around the shop, "Well, lookee here! We've got a little hippy boy. Look at all this girlie hair! We'll fix that."

Fix it he did. I got my $2 worth, for sure. In fact, I could have done time travel to the early 80s and with enough black, a safety pin in my cheek, and a lot of mascara done a punk girl halloween costume. The jagged hair was perfect.

And speaking of tonsorial disasters, there's the self-inflicted mullet I committed in the mid-70s. I told the pathetic tale for a Laredo online magazine. You can read it here.
There's a nice article in the Alumni Mag archive about Hanover barbershops through the 20th century: